Terrific Minds

You don't know your JAVASCRIPT

Written by Abhilash Menon | Jun 25, 2021
"Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript”- Atwood’s Law


JavaScript is the powerhouse behind a rapidly evolving Internet. It is the past, the present and will remain the future of the web as we know it. As of today, more than 95% of the Internet is powered by JavaScript. According to Stack Overflow, a popular website used by developers to share their expertise, two out of every three developers use JavaScript. So what makes this programming language ever popular?

Learn One Do Many

Can you imagine an ideal place, where you can learn one language and use it to develop mobile apps, make websites, and even desktop applications? Pretty cool, right? But that is precisely the possibility that JavaScript brings to the table.


These are the three most commonly used front-end frameworks and libraries used for the purpose of web development. Each has its own merits and excels in its own way.


Node is not a language as many thinks, but rather a runtime environment. The original idea is to set up a web service or TCP server with high performance. We use JavaScript to write backend services here.


A framework to build desktop applications using JavaScript. Bet you didn’t see that coming, right?

React Native

The most promising aspect of React Native is that you can use the same code for deployment on iOS as well as Android. Lots of improvements are going on with this framework and I am eagerly waiting to see it take over the market among developers.


Readily Available Packages

The most promising aspect of React Native is that you can use the same code for deployment on iOS as well as Android. Lots of improvements are going on with this framework and i am eagerly waiting to see it take over the market among developers.


I always like to say that JavaScript is vast like the oceans, without any obvious organization or pattern. You can see this as a boon or a bane. But I often see developers complain about this while writing complex solutions. But JavaScript has been addressing this by bringing class concepts from ES6 onwards and bringing TypeScript into the picture. TypeScript provides classes, interfaces, and modules that allow us to properly structure our code as encapsulated reusable structures that make it easier to maintain and scale. Hopefully, in the future, it becomes even more of a JavaScript front layer than it already is.


Many don’t consider JavaScript to be primed for areas such as big data and machine learning applications. But even this is changing as many popular AI libraries are available in js like TensorFlow.js, etc. This is all to say that as far as I am concerned, Javascript still has a long way to go considering its vastness in all fields. It is easy to code in javascript, but to know the in and out’s of it is rare. And it is my wish that you may know the versatility of this language.