Terrific Minds

Cut Customer Acquisition Costs by upto 50% with Shopify Audience

Written by Amrita E | Dec 18, 2023

Shopify Audiences creates personalized audience lists and exclusive insights within the Shopify platform, enabling merchants to effectively target potential buyers with higher conversion probabilities. Exclusively available to Plus merchants using Shopify Payments in the US or Canada, Audiences are both free and tailored to enhance precision in advertising targeting.

The Audiences algorithm forms audience lists from millions of commerce intent signals across Shopify, automatically exporting them to merchants' connected advertising accounts. This process informs targeting with a precision level unmatched by standalone ad platforms. Customizable lists cater to specific funnel stages and ad platforms, spanning Meta, Google, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, and Criteo.

Introducing Audiences v2.1, featuring our most advanced algorithms to date. This release extends reach across major ad platforms, now including TikTok, Snapchat, and Criteo, in addition to Meta, Google, and Pinterest. A new benchmarking tool allows comparison of merchants' campaign performance against similar stores, enhancing strategic insights.

Since its initial launch in May 2022, Shopify Audiences has significantly assisted merchants in refining digital advertising precision, leading to a notable reduction of up to 50% in customer acquisition costs for many participants.

In the evolving landscape of customer privacy constraints, Shopify Audiences remains a vital tool to maximize your merchants' ad performance. As a Shopify Partner, Audiences serves as a key differentiator, ensuring maximum return on ad spend (ROAS) for your merchant clients. Let's delve into the features that make Shopify Audiences v2.1 an indispensable asset in your toolkit.

Enhanced Results for Existing Ad Campaigns

The Shopify Audiences algorithms leverage a knowledge base about participating merchants' stores and pair it with insightful data on buyer behavior within the Shopify platform. This aids in identifying potential buyers at various stages of the buyer's journey, from initial browsing to checkout.

Precision Targeting

Audience algorithms utilize machine learning, constantly adapting based on buyer intent data received from merchants within the Audience data co-op. With v2.1, the product has evolved, offering improved performance today and promising even better results in the future as more customer intent signals are incorporated.

Improved Performance with Benchmark Data

In Audiences v2.1, the inclusion of benchmark data allows you to assess how your merchants' ads perform compared to similar businesses in the same industry over the past 30 days.

Lower Customer Acquisition Costs

Shopify Audiences can potentially reduce customer acquisition costs by up to 50%. For instance, SIMKHAI, a luxury apparel retailer, enlisted the help of Shopify Plus Partner Maison MRKT, implementing Audiences to generate high-intent buyer lists. The result was a 54% decrease in cost-per-acquisition and an 84% higher conversion rate.