Terrific Minds

Elevating your Magento Website with Hyvä Themes

Written by Rama Lekshmi M | Oct 7, 2022

Magento 2 is particularly popular in the e-commerce market since it gives store owners complete control over their stores.

Hyvä products were developed from scratch and are based on Magento 2 Themes. Hyvä developers fixed the issues with poor performance and sluggish page loading by removing the majority of JavaScript files and rewriting the majority of layout.xml and .phtml files. The goal of this theme is to remove any third-party libraries used by Magento 2 such as Knockout, Require, jQuery, and unnecessary JS libraries and LESS stylesheet files that cause render-blocking for optimization.

The Hyvä theme utilizes far fewer JS files than other standard Magento themes, and these libraries are straightforward, light, and strong while maintaining resource speed and a top-notch user interface.

The ViewModels, Tailwind CSS, and AlpineJs V2 were used to create Hyvä Themes. AlpineJS makes writing JavaScript much more user-friendly. It might be problematic if you have to rely on several third-party solutions, but as more extensions receive Hyvä compatibility, it will become better. In contrast, the Hyvä theme employs superior, more current, well-planned alternatives that are always built with maximum performance in mind. This revised architecture is similarly simpler and less complicated in design.

This needed an entirely new approach to JS and CSS development. This also means that developers should reconsider their asset creation method. Hyvä employs PostCSS, so you must use the npm run, build-dev, or build-prod scripts to generate the required files. The construction takes very little time and is done swiftly.

When you first check the Hyvä theme, both the Hyvä/reset and Hyvä/default themes are available. These themes have connections, such as Magento/luma and Magento/blank. As a consequence, the Hyvä/reset theme functions as both a base theme without a parent theme and a parent theme for the Hyvä/default theme.

Both the Hyvä/reset theme and the blank Magento theme have different purposes. By deleting the LessCSS styles from Magento, the Hyvä theme may create a Tailwind CSS-based environment.

Integrating Hyvä theme with Magento 2 will help to make the store incredibly quick, better optimized, and provide a positive shopping experience for customers.

Have you thought about using Hyvä Themes as the front-end solution for your eCommerce website? Have any questions you'd like to have answered before making a final decision?

Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to help you make that critical development decision—LUMA or Hyvä.

1. What are Hyvä Themes?

Hyvä (the Finnish word for "good") Themes are the latest way to create storefronts for your Magento 2 website. It addresses some of the most prevalent problems with Magento's previous front end, LUMA.

Two tools—Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js—replace hundreds of separate JavaScript files and bulky libraries. This allows you to say goodbye to LUMA's bloated architecture and the excessively convoluted frontend codebase that hinders the eCommerce performance of your website.

2. Why is Hyvä Themes a better alternative to other modern front-end solutions?

  • Compared to other frontend frameworks, there is a lower development cost (PWAs often cost £100k+).
  • The framework's simplicity also results in significantly lower ongoing maintenance costs and a significantly shorter time to market.
  • Boost the efficiency of your website and achieve SEO web benchmarks like the Core Web Vitals Assessment.

3. How do Hyvä themes achieve better performance?

Mainly by using less code. TailwindCSS allows smaller CSS files with only the directives that are actually needed. Furthermore, JavaScript is only used where it is actually necessary, which decreases the overhead. The reduction of the number of layout blocks and the consistent use of ViewModels instead of blocks are the other important factors 

4. Will all my current extensions work with Hyvä Themes?

Your present extensions and whether they rely on the LUMA JavaScript libraries will determine how this will work. You can utilize a variety of different extensions from the public compatibility extension library, which is available right away with the license, in your projects. Even if they aren't supported right away, the majority of the big extension vendors are already working to make their products completely compatible with Hyvä Themes.

Amasty, Aheadworks, Mirasvit, WebKul, and Mageworx are some of the leading extension developers available to merchants—each making a commitment to continue making their extensions compatible.

5. Can I try Hyvä Themes out before buying a license?

Not without a license, not on a live website. However, they have produced a really neat demo that provides an excellent overview of how it functions as a front-end solution.

Visit the following URL: https://demo.hyva.io/

You can check the performance of the page using Google Page Speed and see just how quick the framework is.

6. What are the checkout solutions available for Hyvä Themes?

The most common is the LUMA checkout fallback extension, which comes with your license. Specific routes can be configured to use a different theme (one based on Luma) instead of Hyvä. This feature enables the Luma Checkout to work with Hyvä as well. The Hyvä theme is not active on those pages. Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js are not loaded. Instead, the browser loads RequireJS and all other Luma theme dependencies. However, if you want to switch, there are a few other checkout options we recommend you look into:

  • Hyva Checkout.
  • Magewire Checkout - a game changer for customizing the checkout experience in Magento 2 that will be available soon.
  • One Step Checkout.

7. Does Hyvä have page builder compatibility?

Yes. Now that PageBuilder is part of Magento Open Source, the compatibility module Magento_PageBuilder has been merged with the Hyvä Theme module.

8. Is Hyvä compatible with Magento 2 OpenSource?

Hyvä Themes are compatible with Magento OpenSource from version 2.4.x upwards.

9. Could you share some of the Hyvä developer experience?

Although Hyvä themes are relatively new, this project is supported by a sizable development community. More than 800 developers are currently active in the main community, which is a gathering place for specialists and enthusiasts who share knowledge, expertise, and best practices to advance one another's projects. They even have a business Slack channel which you’re added to as soon as you purchase a license.

10. Showcases of Hyvä Theme Stores.